
five: home made

I don't know if I've been more aware lately or what but I've been finding so much joy in the little things around me. It makes me happy to have simple things that, well, make me happy!

[Three little pumpkins all in a row. Just because Halloween is long gone doesn't mean that our fall decor has to be. I love these three little ones and their variety; one sturdy one for my man, one round one for me, and one little pure white one for our little babe.]

[Mo's Bacon Bar Chocolate Chips ready to be added to make some stunningly amazing bacon chocolate chip pancakes from Vosges.]

[A beautiful hourglass that I was given at the Imagine Conference serves as the perfect reminder to slow down and enjoy, and utilize efficiently, the time that I have been given here.]

[The little details found on some fall florals!] 

[A ridiculously delicious and airy coconut angel food muffin from Fox & Obel that my husband picked up and brought home from a quick stop into Chicago for work.] 

1 comment:

Carly said...

That thing looks like a caterpillar!!!