
juice into spring

After many trips to Whole Foods for a green juice PACKED with vitamins, I finally went for it and ordered a Breville juicer.  After a few days it arrived and a quick trip to Trader Joe's left me armed with loads of organic produce and this is my result...

Into the juicer went...


The healthy living tool of the season...

My final product...

It was everything that I hoped it would be! 

If you don't have a juicer at home you can always mix and match with fresh juice from the local market. Think; tangerine, carrot, pomegranate and a green machine. 


VANESSA said...

sounds familiar! now you just need to hit up a Sprouts for the mother of all produce prices! TJ's & WF's can add up way too quickly when you're juicing.

xo's, vanessa

Carly said...

Those graphics are great!